UD Review: Back and Knee Yoga Workshop with Yoga Ashram

Yoga Workshop with Yoga Ashram
Yoga Workshop with Yoga Ashram


I’ve just gone back to University for the summer term…so my blogging activity might get effected by this fact. Especially since the only subject that I’m taking in the summer term requires a lot of work. Meaning that weekly assignments must be submitted, in addition to a “Media Audience” research project and a closed book exam at the end of the term!

Let’s see how it goes…and hope that the term flies by fast like the previous ones! yes, as you can tell I’m not a huge fan of going back to undergraduate school at the age where you should be done with your PHD :p

But I believe that everything happens for a reason, and we were all given different paths and destinies in life. So we should be grateful and try to stay positive and motivated as much as possible.

Today’sĀ  post is another review post. About a yoga studio which I have been frequenting recently to try out their different classes.

I’ve reviewed the following classes at Yoga Ashram:

Last week, I got to take a back, shoulder, neck and knee workshop with Yoga Ashram. The class included an hour and a half or so of yoga, followed by a presentation on common back issues and their prevention methods.

I was glad to attend the workshop with my dear friend and fellow blogger Araceli from What I just Love the Blog šŸ™‚


Araceli from What I Just Love and I
Araceli from What I Just Love and I


Our instructor – Harsha – has a total of 15 years of yoga practice experience. She got her certification a long time ago as well šŸ™‚


Sri Sri Yoga Instructor at Yoga Ashram
Sri Sri Yoga Instructor at Yoga Ashram


The class focused on the postures that focus mainly on the neck, shoulders, spine and knees. The moves included stretching exercises and flexibility moves. At the end of the class, we felt greatly invigorated and relaxed.




Araceli from What I Just Love the Blog :)
Araceli from What I Just Love the Blog šŸ™‚


Nada from Undefined Declarations
Nada from Undefined Declarations


I plan to try some more classes at Yoga Ashram soon, but my next post will be a recipe post for a chickpea tomato soup that I made for myself to cure my cold…I guess that’s what you do when you’re single and living alone!

Sigh….still coughing though šŸ™Ā  Hope I get better by the next post!

Check out Yoga Ashram’s web site for more details about their location, classes and social media presence šŸ™‚





Till next time, stay safe and at peace….Namaste šŸ™‚


See ya!
See ya!

Published by

Nada Al Ghowainim

I am a 30-something Dubai-based Saudi female lifestyle blogger and writer. I am on an endless journey of self-discovery and self-development. Learn More About Me

One thought on “UD Review: Back and Knee Yoga Workshop with Yoga Ashram”

  1. Pingback: UD Review: Sri Sri Fit Yoga at Yoga Ashram - Undefined Declarations | Undefined Declarations

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