My Unsponsored Beach Day!



So it seems that most of my fans can’t really afford to spend time reading my posts…and I’m honestly getting tired of trying to promote my posts, my Facebook Page or my baby blog. That’s why, I have decided to write short posts (OK mostly because I don’t have the time to write long posts anymore with the University commitments and stuff) and to spare you the agony of having to go through lines and paragraphs of content that you might not even find interesting!

Having said that, if you are someone who just happens to actually read my posts from beginning to end, then speak now or forever hold your peace (or something like that). Oh and do comment on  my Facebook Page’s link to the post, as the comments section on the blog’s web site is currently messed up and I haven’t got the time to sort it out (didn’t I tell you I’m short on time these days?!)


I had done a couple of brutally honest  beach club reviews before the crazy Dubai summer months began. You can check out my latest one here.


But since I felt like I was melting in the shade while doing that review and since it wasn’t sponsored by any entity and since I developed a small facial skin defect after doing that review, I decided that I had gone too far with my blogging compromises and that it was time to regain some of my sanity before I went out and did another Dubai Beach Club Review.

Fast forward four months later, I find myself back on the beach club review track. This time, joining the Russian, Italian and British tourists at one of JBR’s private stretches of beach: Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort and Spa.

As my blog’s title suggests, my day at the resort wasn’t sponsored in any way. I paid the exact fee for the weekend day pass (350 AED), I took my own photos, I paid for my own lunch at the walk and later the two refreshingly tasty iced coffees that I had!

And I would like to add that I was doing this for the rest of the beach club reviews that I had previously done on this awesome (even if no one agrees!) blog.

Now in staying true to my words in keeping this post short and simple, I present to you: My Unsponsored Beach Day in images 😀


The Rebellious Saudi Diva after a stressful week of blogging and studying
The Rebellious Saudi Diva after a stressful week of blogging and studying


A Failed Attempt to Read my Blog inc. Book
A Failed Attempt to Read my Blog inc. Book



See? didn’t I promise to keep this post short and sweet? That was my lovely beach day in a nutshell…I was delighted to have my intelligent and sweet friend Sarah as my buddy for the day. We always have fun and interesting conversations since we both come from similar backgrounds and cultures (Iran and Saudi)…We basically support and empower one another since our parents always seem to be against what we are doing or even planning 🙂 Yes, it can be tricky and complicated at times….well, more like all the time 😀

I’ll never forget that summer night when me and Sarah were sitting at one of the juice bar cafes at JBR walk (over a year ago) when we first met…we were talking about how our lives are full of struggles and how nothing ever comes easily to us. Then Sarah lifts up her small bottle of water and says: “For us, even this is a struggle.”  Referring to the act of drinking bottled water! Yes, it’s a sad reality I know….and I hope that you will sympathize with us by at least following my random and silly posts on my blog’s Facebook Page and maybe commenting on a post or two.


OK, so maybe the post didn’t end up being as short as I had planned it to be…but I guess I still have to practice writing shorter posts. Especially after the extended and detailed reviews that I was mentally doing earlier.

Until the next post, you can continue to hear my endless rants and follow my silly posts by becoming a fan of my Facebook Page.

Beach Diva Signing Off…



Published by

Nada Al Ghowainim

I am a 30-something Dubai-based Saudi female lifestyle blogger and writer. I am on an endless journey of self-discovery and self-development. Learn More About Me

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