UD Product Review: Nutridiet



What is Nutridiet?

It’s a meal replacement shake based on soy protein and low in calorie and fat content. It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs and is also high in dietary fiber.

Each serving of Nutridiet consists of 110 – 117 calories.


How does it work?

You simply choose which meal you want to replace, mix the powder with ice-cold water, shake the mixture and drink the shake!

What flavors does it come in?

  • Forest fruit
  • Strawberry
  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla

What can you do to make it easier to switch to a meal replacement shake?

You must make sure to eat a maximum of three fruits a day, and you can have as many vegetables as you need.

Eating these in between the meals will make it easier for you to stick to the diet and feel healthy and energized. You will also beat the hunger pangs when you incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

What else?

Nutridiet has no lactose, no animal content, no milk content, gluten free, high in fiber, vegetarian friendly, cholesterol free, soy based, and only water is needed to make it a meal!

Who should take Nutridiet?

  • Anyone who wants to loose weight in a healthy way.
  • Anyone leading a busy lifestyle with no time to prepare meals or is tight on time and working towards a deadline.
  • Anyone who doesn’t want to worry about counting calories and checking portions and grams.
  • Athletic individuals who want to have a shake after a workout session.
  • Busy mothers with no time to prepare a meal, and who want to loose the extra baby weight.
  • People working in the creative industry with tight deadlines and busy schedules.
  • Anyone who is looking for a structured diet plan that they can fit into a daily schedule.

My Personal Tips:

  • Milk can be added to the powder instead of water for a thicker and richer texture. Which is exactly what I was doing!
  • Coffee can be added to the chocolate shake to give it a more distinct flavor.
  • You can experiment by adding strawberry milk to the strawberry shake for a change in taste.
  • Make sure to follow a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Start by replacing dinner – as that’s the easiest for me…then maybe try replacing breakfast or lunch gradually.
  • Go for walks and try to keep fit to facilitate the healthy weight loss plan.

Where can I get Nutridiet?

  • Referral through your doctor or nutritionist.
  • By calling the following number: 04-431 6006
  • At UAE pharmacies; Bin Sina, Marina, Planet Nutrition, Planet Pharmacy, Holland & Barrets.
  • Lulu hypermarket pharmacies.
  • Check their web site for more information!

Published by

Nada Al Ghowainim

I am a 30-something Dubai-based Saudi female lifestyle blogger and writer. I am on an endless journey of self-discovery and self-development. Learn More About Me

9 thoughts on “UD Product Review: Nutridiet”

  1. Hey Nada , Thanks for this tip hun. I will definitely try Nutridiet . I am struggling for a year now with a lousy 5 extra Kilograms that refuse to come down . although my desperate ways of trying to . will keep you updated on how it works x

  2. Myths and misconceptions protein shake : http://www.protein-shakes-for-weight-loss.com/2014/01/myths-and-misconceptions-protein-shake_15.html

  3. Heba sharaf Hi Heba! Thanks for reading the post and for the comment. Yeah, it would be good to incorporate some sort of physical activity with the diet as well. Simple things like taking long walks in your neighborhood, or taking the stairs instead of the lift can make wonders.
    We all struggle to make time for exercise in our daily lives…I also need to organize my life and make room for regular exercise! It’s not easy when you’re struggling to make it as a journalist/blogger!
    Anyway, all the best in your weight loss journey and speak soon XXX

    1. First, my name is ‘Nada’. I’m not sure what you meant by ‘Bema’!
      Second, honestly I couldn’t stay on this diet for more than a week or so. I found it to be too difficult and I felt exhausted and drained. You can give it a try and let me know how it goes!

  4. Apologies, Nada, Auto-correct “story of my life”!

    Thats my worry actually, that id get fedup easily, i am willing and determent this time though so hopefully it works out!

    will let u know!

    1. All the best! if you like milk, you can add low-fat milk to the shake instead of water. And maybe some coffee to the chocolate shake. I think all those tips are mentioned in the post. Good Luck!

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